
Bechstein's bat image showing head
Otter on land
badger (002)
Bechstein’s bat
17. Large pregnant female toad
Grey-patched Mining Bee on Grape Hyacinth
Rugged Oil Beetle2
Broom flowering in the Damask field
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This is what we stand to lose if the Damask Way development goes ahead. Please sign the petition here

Sustainable Warminster is a non-political, unincorporated, not-for-profit community organisation in Warminster, Wiltshire, run by volunteers. Its aims are to:

  • work together legally and in co-operation with other local organisations and with local government to prevent damage to the local environment;
  • develop a greener, cleaner and more sustainable town for the future;
  • improve the environment through positive practical action, demonstration, discussion and debate;
  • raise awareness of environmental issues by campaigning within the limits allowed by law, and encourage behaviour which reduces waste and pollution, reduces energy consumption, increases recycling and reuse, enhances biodiversity and mitigates the impact of climate change.