
Coming Up

The next Energy Advice Tea Party, held at Warminster Civic Centre, will be on Saturday 25th January 2025. Free Entry.

Full details of events appear in the events calendar at the bottom of the page.

Current Campaigns

Protect Damask Way from environmental damage Although the planning permission on this site has lapsed the threat of development has not gone away.

Warminster Neighbourhood Plan Review

The initial public consultation is closed. There will be a further public consultation later this year.

Recent Activities

Green Open Homes. In March 2024 local home owners using renewable energy opened their homes to people who were interesting in changing their own homes to reduce their energy bills and cut their carbon footprint. Some homes are still open by appointment:

In March 2024 Sustainable Warminster took part in the Warminster Area Board’s Environment and Sustainability event at Warminster Civic Centre and members joined the litter pick organised by Warminster Town Council as part of the Great British Spring Clean.

Toad party held at the Civic Centre on Saturday 17th February 2024

Toad Patrol – Spring 2024

Since early February Warminster’s Toad Patrollers have been recording and rescuing amphibians on Smallbrook Road.  Toads, frogs and newts are coming out of hibernation and are making their way to their ancestral breeding ponds in and around Smallbrook Nature Reserve.

Toads return to the pond where they were born.  To do this they have to cross Smallbrook Road and feeder roads such as Lower Marsh Road.  Their breeding ponds are on both sides of these roads.  A car travelling at any speed can easily kill them.  Please avoid driving along Smallbrook Road after dark which is when the toads, frogs and newts come out. 

The toad patrollers wear hiviz jackets and put out reflective ‘Caution Toads Crossing’ and triangular toad warning signs for motorists during patrols. These were bought with grants from Wiltshire Wildlife Community Energy Fund and Warminster Town Council.

The patrollers are hopeful that the Town Council will decide to ask Wiltshire Council to close Smallbrook Road during the Spring migration. The Council will make a decision at the next Full Council meeting on 25th March.   However, Wiltshire Council Highways are proposing to charge £5000 for just considering a road closure request and to then charge £4000-£5000 per annum thereafter for a traffic regulation order. 

Harriet James, Smallbrook Toad Patrol, Warminster