Warminster Neighbourhood Plan

The Neighbourhood Plan gives people who live here and who know Warminster best, a voice and an opportunity to proactively shape a future vision for your town, to guide future development, and meet local needs and aspirations. Neighbourhood plans contain policies and proposals that will be used in decisions on planning applications. 

The plan is being reviewed. You will have a chance to comment on a draft plan later in 2024. https://www.warminsterplan.com/


Toad Patrol

The Smallbrook toads have finished breeding and are heading away from their ponds.

These are the numbers the toad patrol recorded this Spring:

If you normally use Smallbrook Road as a short cut between Plants Green/ Gipsy Lane and Upper/Lower Marsh Road, please try to avoid doing so after dark, as up to 20% of the toads we find have been killed by passing cars, even though it’s now a 30mph road.

And keep an eye out for the Toad Patrollers who help the toads to cross safely!


Warminster Town Council are requesting that Wiltshire Council Highways assess temporary closure of Smallbrook Road starting next year, for a month each spring.

We always welcome new toad patrol volunteers, so if you are interested please contact warminstertoadpatrol@gmail.com

A large pregnant female toad