All welcome! Free entry. Warminster Civic Centre, from 12pm to 3pm.
Free advice on how to keep your home warm, save energy and get help with bills.
Refreshments and a warm welcome – cakes and drinks.
Free children’s craft activities.

All welcome! Free entry. Warminster Civic Centre, from 12pm to 3pm.
Free advice on how to keep your home warm, save energy and get help with bills.
Refreshments and a warm welcome – cakes and drinks.
Free children’s craft activities.
We will be holding our November Green Drinks at the Fox and Hounds, Deverill Road, Warminster.
Monday 25th November, from 7:30 p.m.
Visit an energy saving home
Free advice on how to keep your home warm, save energy and get help with bills.
All welcome! Free entry. Warminster Civic Centre, 2-4pm.
Refreshments and a warm welcome – cakes and drinks.
Free children’s craft activities with Wiltshire Scrap Store.
Free pedal-powered paint spinner. Quizzes and tombola with energy-saving prizes.
We are excited to announce a Sustainable Fashion Event, set to take place in early 2025. We are seeking donations of no-longer wanted clothes, textiles, and fabrics from the public. Donated materials and items will be upcycled and repurposed for the event or redistributed locally. Sustainable Warminster invites the public to donate unwanted clothing of all ages and genders, fabrics, and textiles – which can be dropped off at Warminster Library on Fridays over the next six-weeks: 3-4pm from Friday 27th September until Friday 1st November 2024.
For more about Sustainable Fashion:
Please come along to our Annual General Meeting. Drinks and nibbles from 7 p.m., formal meeting starts at 7.30 p.m.
Asian Hornets are a major risk to honey bees, and are now at large in England. They have been sighted in Kent, Devon and Dorset.
Report any sightings of this species:
online at:
with the free iPhone and Android recording app: Asian Hornet Watch
Now that autumn is well and truly here, hedgehogs will be considering their winter hibernation arrangements. It may be a few weeks yet before they settle down, so you can help them out during October and early November by putting down some hedgehog food – hedgehog biscuits, or meaty cat or dog food, either tinned or kibble. Because they don’t eat a lot once they start hibernating, they need to weigh at least 500g (and preferably more) before they settle in, otherwise they don’t have the fat reserves to see them through cold frosty nights. If you see little hedgehogs out during October or later, you can pick them up with gardening gloves and weigh them on the kitchen scales. If they are less than 500 g do phone a hedgehog rescue (listed below) for further advice.
For their winter accommodation, hedgehogs will be looking for somewhere snug and dry. Their favourite hibernation places are in piles of twigs and leaves under hedges, and in hedgehog houses, where they will drag leaves in to keep them comfy. So, if you are clearing up your garden, do sweep leaves and twigs into a heap in a corner, or under a hedge, or near the entrance to your hedgehog house, and then leave it undisturbed for the winter. The leaves are also an over-wintering place for insect larvae, so the hedgehogs will have a built-in larder.
If you have a wood pile that you intend burning on bonfire night, please dismantle it the day before and check underneath – hedgehogs third favourite hibernation place is woodpiles, especially if they contain lots of twigs at the bottom, and whilst they like to be warm, a bonfire is a bit too warm for them! Unfortunately, when they get confused or frightened, they just roll up into a ball – which won’t protect them from the flames.
It’s not to late to make and mark hedgehog highways in and out of your garden – if the winter is mild, hedgehogs sometimes wake up out of hibernation, get a drink and a snack and then move on to another winter hidey-hole – we’re not sure why they do this but it may be to confuse predators or to find somewhere warmer and drier. So there’s still time to check with a neighbour that their garden is also hedgehog friendly, open up a gap in the fence or wall, and make sure the hole stays clear by marking it with one of our hedgehog highway signs. Do get in touch if you would like one.
If you are ever worried about the health or welfare of a hedgehog, please call the British Hedgehog Preservation Society on 01584 890801 and they will be able to give you advice, and put you in touch with a local rescue centre if necessary.
Providing laptops, tablets and phones for home learners
Kingdown School is very keen to participate in this scheme and has been liaising with Sustainable Warminster.
From 29th March there will be a permanent drop off point at the school reception for people to donate their unwanted/unused IT equipment.
The following items can be donated: laptops, PCs, tablets, phones, routers, cameras, mains leads, power supplies, connectors and leads, AC adaptors, batteries, carry cases, etc.
All IT equipment will either be repaired and restored for donating to people in the community who need it; otherwise all components will be recycled. As there is zero waste going to landfill, this is a project which benefits the environment as well as the community.
For further information on exactly what you can donate, either visit the Blackmore IT website at or contact Simon Barfoot directly on
For Covid safety please bring all equipment in carrier bags. There will be a consent form to sign on drop off. Please arrange drop off during school opening hours only.
Working together for the Warminster community
Is anyone recycling these empty medicine blister packets? We’ve discovered that they can be recycled via If anyone would like to start collecting their empty blister packs, Fiona is happy to receive them and then do a single drop off when we’ve accumulated enough.
There isn’t a drop off point in Warminster at the moment so we think it would have to go to Superdrug in Frome or Trowbridge. Once you have a bag ready, email Fiona at to arrange pick up/drop off.
Another little something that won’t go to landfill. Every little bit helps